Category Archives: 3D Printed Stuffs

Digital Fabric

Vladimir's Digital Fabric

Vladimir’s Digital Fabric

Digital Fabric

Digital Fabric

YouMagine Community Member Vladimir Kuznetsov uploaded a wonderful design. His design “Digital Fabric” uses a really wonderful technique. He uses the Cura Pause at Height plug in to pause the print and then inserts a mesh like fabric which he fixes to the print. Then he continues the print. This lets you use regular PLA and then make flexible parts! His great idea coupled with his triangle design really makes a lot more possible. Vladimir has tried out a mosquito screen as well as nylon. Were curious to see what other materials would give great results. Many people are experimenting with fabrics and 3D printing. Usually people end up getting a result similar to chain mail that is rather limited. A lot of other 3D printed fashion is stiff and unwearable. We think that by mixing cloth and printed material Vladimir made a wonderful alternative.

Here you can see the Digital Fabric being 3D printed.

Here you can see the Digital Fabric being 3D printed.

Vladimir’s instructions, is to pause “when half of the part will be completed (1 mm for a part of total height of 2 mm) and to lower the buildplate for 50 mm or so. When printer will pause the printing stretch a piece of mesh-like fabric (I played with my wife’s stockings, but best results achieved with mosquito screen) and fix it with scotch tape. Unpause the printer.”

Importantly he adds, “You could make a lot with that technique, just make sure that the fabric thickness is less than the layer height.” We asked him some questions via the email and here’s how he explains his project:

“First thing I made was a small purse. I made a sexy simple polygonal design, printed two same pieces and asked one of the girls in our lab ( to sew them together. She did it, but she also said that the purse is just like some Issey Miyake bag design.. so, thanks to google, I learned about trendy Japanese designer))
I borrowed a pair of my wife stockings and have learned that as long as the hot end does not touch the fabric, they can be used. So, I would say, any screen-like, mesh-like, net-like material is suitable, as long as it thickens is less than the thickens of one printing layer (I even thought of metals, but did not have a chance to try). Having that in mind, I found large nozzles very useful for this kind of duties. With broader (0.6 or 0.8 mm) lines large flat patterns are filling much faster, plus, thick layers (0.25…0.3 mm) are not only speeding up the printing, but make you caring less about thickness of the fabric. 
I also tried printing with flexible materials and it allows to create interesting results, but printing flexibles with bowden extruder and retraction enabled is.. you know.
Difficulties.. You have to be near the printer when half of the print is complete. Cura lets you pause the process at an exact height, but you can not leave the print overnight, to receive good results you have to unpause the printer in ten to thirty minutes, otherwise, in my experience telling the print is gonna be ruined.
It is also quite challenging to put the fabric and evenly stretch it and then fix to the build plate. Scotch tape is your number one friend. For the mosquito screen I glued pieces of velcro (the rigid half) to the perimeter of bottom side of the building plate.” 

Laura Thapthimkuna’s 3D printed dress on Kickstarter


Designer Laura Thapthimkuna made a beautiful 3D printed dress that she is now trying to get funded on Kickstarter. Her Vortex dress has at the time of writing raised $2000 and you can check out how that’s going here.

The Vortex Dress

The Vortex Dress

Why did you turn to 3D printing to make this dress?

In my designs I have always tried to create structure and have been drawn to abstract geometry and silhouettes. I like the idea of design “beyond the body” and creating shapes and structures from negative space. When I discovered 3D printing through a friend, I found a way to execute theses designs I have had in head.

What were some of the issues with getting it made?
I wouldn’t call it an issue, but one of the challenges with this design and any is that I have to go from a 3D idea in my head and try to put it down on paper two-dimensionally. Then I have to give that two dimensional sketch to my 3D modeler to then translate back into 3D, these transitions can be tricky and challenging at times, but I’m really fortunate to work with very talented peoplel with extensive knowledge of 3D. The most obvious issue is being able to fund the actual fabrication of a design of this scale, I’m hoping to broaden the audience that finds my work compelling and achieve funding for printing this design through this Kickstarter campaign.
What kind of materials do you need as a fashion designer to make more functional 3D printed clothing? Is there a dream material?
Light weight material is a very important element when considering putting something on the body. With my current design I’m exploring shapes that need to be created in a pretty solid/rigid material to keep the shape. For me personally the goal isn’t to create something 3D printed clothing that acts exactly like fabric. I want to explore 3D printing as a meduim with its own properties and materials and come up with ideas that are impossible to create with fabric and by hand.
What is the concept behind the dress?
The inspiration behind the Vortex Dress was space and blackholes. I became very inspired by artistic interpretations of theories regarding time and space being twisted and distorted in the universe. I wanted to create a design that didn’t have a specific ending or beginning, something organic but with mathematical elements with swooping lines and spiraling textures.
Why crowdfund it?
This is my first time ever attempting to crowd fund a design-which is a little nerve racking! But I really hope in doing that I’m able to share my work with more people and get others engaged with in the possibilities of 3D printing as well as raise funds to create this design in real life.
Do you hope that people will add to or remix your design? 
I haven’t really given any thought to that, but maybe in the future with another design this could be an option. I think it might be enjoyable in the future to create a design that is open to other’s in such a way.

City of the Future designed by Dutch School kids

A model of the city of the future

A model of the city of the future

The Parkschool in Utrecht did a project with all of their classes whereby they got the kids to design the city of the future. The kids then used 3D printers and laser cutters to make a model of this city. Class 7 & 8 designed the model for the city, grade 6 used the lasercutters while grade 5 designed an amusement park. Kids as young as 5 & 6 were involved in making designs for this city of the future. We think that this is a great initiative to teach kids digital fabrication methods as well as get them involved in thinking holistically about the future at a young age.  The City of the Future project has been selected by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs for inclusion in their City of the Future project which is wonderful news!



YouMagine Survey Results Part 3

How many things do you 3D print per month?

How many things do you 3D print per month?

We’ve conducted a survey among 500 of our Community Members in order to find out how YouMagine is doing and what tools we have to build in order to help 3D printing. Since we like to share and we want to build tools for the future of Distributed Innovation we made some fun graphics for you. We thought that this was a good idea since this is the largest survey that maps the 3D printing community. The first post about the survey results are here the second is here and you are currently reading the final one.

On average our community members 3D print 21 things per month. This is an indication that the 3D printer is becoming a part of people’s lives. Reliability of the printer is especially important if people want to make things often.

How often do you use your 3D printer?

How often do you use your 3D printer?

34% of our community use their 3D printer every single day. For them the 3D printer is an appliance that they continually use. 11% use there 3D printer rarely. For them their 3D printer is not currently a significant part of their lives. 50% of the community uses their printer at least 4 times a week. These usage numbers are encouraging and mean that fore this group the 3D printer is not a toy but rather a tool that they use continually.

What slicing software do you use to 3D print?

What slicing software do you use to 3D print?

If we look at what slicing software people use then we find that some slicers that were popular only a few years ago have virtually fallen completely out of use. 58% of people use Cura and 23% use Slic3r which means that these two open source slicers account for the vast majority of 3D prints. Its also good to know that Ultimaker’s Cura is so popular. Simplify3D is doing quite well having an implied market share of 10%.

What is your favorite thing to 3D Print?

What is your favorite thing to 3D Print?

If we look at what people like to make then the most popular single category is household items with people preferring to make practical things that solve real world problems such as hooks, housings, repairs and enhancements for daily life. We see a lot of very practical things on YouMagine from enhancements for Ikea furniture, solutions for organizing tools, kitchen paper holders, table cloth clips, hooks, organizers for batteries and cradles for electric toothbrushes. Enhancing your daily existence with 3D printers to organize your life may not be what gets the headlines but it is what a lot of people are actually using 3D printers for. The second most popular item is 3D printer enhancements. We see a lot of things on the site from practical spool holders, to a camera mount for the Robo3D, Ultimaker fan mounts, calibration tools for Kossel’s, bearings,, CoreXY brackets, a turntable for your printer,  Printrbot extruders, to complete 3D printers such as MonkeySh#tFight, the iTopie and the Spatial One. Those most interested in 3D printing are very often interested in improving their own printers and sharing the results.

Which is the best filament supplier for 3D printing?

Which is the best filament supplier for 3D printing?

We asked our community what the best 3D printing materials supplier was. Over 33% of the sample has not found one indicating that while people have been trying out vendors they have not yet found a reliable supplier. 30% of people entered a name of a vendor which was unique. The 3D printing materials market is therefore very fragmented with many vendors in many countries selling filament. The most popular choice was ColorFabb followed by Faberdashery and then Amazon. This shows us that the online retailer is already making an impact on the 3D printing market through its 3D printing offerings.


In general we can conclude that 3D printers are, for some, becoming a daily addition to their lives chiefly through the making of fun gadgets and practical household items. People want more reliable, bigger and faster 3D printers and they want the process of designing things and printing them to be easier. People really like PLA as a build material but have not found a reliable vendor for it. Bed adhesion is still among the most pressing problems for 3D printer users. And at YouMagine we really need to improve our search ! We would like to thank those 500 community members who participated in this survey. We hope to use their information and feedback to further improve our site and guide us to building tools for the future.








Results of the YouMagine 3D printing survey part 2

Previously we told you about the results of our community survey amongst 500 members of our 3D Printing community. This is the largest and most in depth desktop 3D printing survey conducted to date. Today we can share you the second part of this survey.

At YouMagine we want to enable collaborative worldwide innovation in 3D printing and build the tools to let people in a distributed way work together to create, remix and share open source technology. We call this Distributed Innovation and want to build the tools for our community to engage in letting more people make better things.

In order to make sure that we are building the right future we want to understand our community and get feedback on what we need to do better. Through this process of letting our community guide our roadmap and development we can also give people an insight into what is happening in 3D printing. We would like to qualify this information to a certain extent however because we would expect our community to skew towards people who have been involved with 3D printing longer & be more open source minded than a random sample of the 3D printing community.

We asked Alexey Butakov to make us some nice illustrations to show off some of the graphs.

What do we need to improve about YouMagine?

What do we need to improve about YouMagine?

Probably the most important thing for our development is the above graphic. We need to improve search and navigation. We’re working hard on this and have adapted our roadmap to the findings. We also received a lot of individual feedback about bugs and issues that need addressing, we found this super helpful also. We’ve identified different types of users whereby we’re generally seeing that one group wants more interaction and collaboration whilst the other seeks quick access to many designs. We’re making lots of quick steps forward on improving our overal design and user experience.

What needs to be improved in order to make 3D printing better for you?

What needs to be improved in order to make 3D printing better for you?

The main thing that needs to be improved is the reliability of the 3D printers. If we drill down into these numbers we can also see that certain issues such as bed adhesion and dialing in new materials is also an issue for people. Reliability not only encompasses machines and in order to improve the overal experience  improvements in software, electronics, materials & machines will have to be coordinated. People also want larger build volumes and faster 3D printers. Cost is not an issue for many.

One thing affecting many is warping and bed adhesion. Here we see that it is still critical to get your first layer right. Rather than be a solved issue for many we can see people looking at many different strategies to make materials adhere to beds. The best strategy is also very material dependent and depends on if you have a heated bed or not. Over the past few years a lot of new types of materials have become available for desktop 3D printers. These have exacerbated this problem especially since the best bed adhesion solution differs per material. Personally I’ve taken to washing down my glass heated build plate with a dishwashing soap with a high alcohol content. This degreases it and makes for excellent adhesion. As a YouMagine team we are leaning towards using only soap but some still use glue or tape.

There is a wide distribution of bed adhesion solutions for 3D printers

There is a wide distribution of bed adhesion solutions for 3D printers

We’re seeing that even though there are a number of products out there to solve the issues. Most people still use glue or blue painter’s tape. Hairspray is also quite a popular solution. There is still scope to as an industry make better beds or come up with better solutions to this issue. Bed adhesion issues and warping are still the leading cause of failed prints. It would make a lot of people really happy if someone solved this issue.

I hope you enjoyed these results, thank you so much to all who participated. The third and final installment of our survey results can be found here.



3D Printed Robots on YouMagine

In addition to Scrufie the adorable obstacle avoidance bot & the ELF AR Drone there are lots of other cool robots on YouMagine. Below we have a selection for you.

AFJay's Robot Chassis

AFJay’s Robot Chassis

Community Member AFJay made a low cost robot chassis in Blender. “This design seeks to minimize the parts count of a 3D printed robot chassis. All of the hardware for the chassis costs less than $10.”

3D Printed ROV Tether floats

3D Printed ROV Tether floats

AndrewThaler made tether floats for the OpenROV, a project to make an open source under water vehicle. These printed floats help keep your ROV’s tether clear from the sea floor.

Branez made Geometridae an interesting robot that pushes itself along.

3D printed MiniSkyBot wheels

3D printed MiniSkyBot wheels

Robotics researcher ObiJuan made wheels for the MiniSkyBot robot.

QueMeMojo is a lovely little bot that detects water.

pan tilt bot

Pan Tilt bot

Aleks made 3D printed pan tilt brackets for the Pololu Sumo Chassis.

ELF YouMagine 3D Print Your Open Source Drone Contest

ELF Drone Hardware showing the 3D printed parts

ELF Drone Hardware showing the 3D printed parts

Elecfreaks is a Shenzhen based team of passionate electronics engineers. The team makes and sources electronics right at the heart of China’s manufacturing boom. They’ve developed a number of cool products and their ELF Drone is now live on Indiegogo.  The ELF is a small open source drone that streams HD video. The drone has VR so it lets you look through its eyes as well as letting you control it via a smartphone app. The drone has a 720p HD camera,will be shipped in July and is now available for $70. What we thought was really good about this project is that the team want to make the drone hackable. The ELF has 3D printed parts on it and they want communities to improve and extend the drone themselves. Since all the hardware and software of the ELF are open source we really hope many people will get involved in expanding it.

An ELF Drone, top view, showing the 3D printed parts in white

An ELF Drone, top view, showing the 3D printed parts in white & orange

The ELF team is offering you a chance to win 5 ELF drones. 3 drones will go to the first placed winner, one to the second place and another to the third place. The finalists will be chosen by the ELF team. Enter into this contest to build a better drone and win a fun smartphone controlled VR Drone. You can download and print the ELF drone parts here from YouMagine.

Criteria and rules

The contest ends the 1st of May.

  • The winners will be announced on the 3rd of May.
  • All entries must be tagged “ELF Drone Contest”
  • All work must be original and made available under an open source license via YouMagine.
  • The winners will be chosen according to 3 main criteria:
    • Originality
    • Printability
    • To what extent the design improves the ELF drone in making it more functional or by extending the drone’s functionality.
    • Winners will receive their prizes in July as the ELF ships.
    • First place: 3 ELF drones. Second: One. Third: One.

To help you the team has released two blog posts outlining 3D Printing design tips for FDM printers, the first one is here and here is the second. The tutorials are actually super helpful if you want to do some engineering and product design using 3D printing in general.

So far the project has been funded to the tune of $76,000 by 1173 people on Indiegogo. Check it out!



Revolutionary Full Color Chocolate 3D Printing Eggbotsz on Kickstarter

With its new Kickstarter Eggbotsz hopes to fund the, ChocoRockoBotto its unique full color chocolate 3D printing technology. The technology developed at Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute by Professor Willow Yank, hopes to revolutionize the culinary arts. Chocolate 3D printers have been around for a number of years now and are making inroads into high end restaurants and chocolatiers, revolutionizing both chocolate and cooking. Is the full color chocolate Eggbot the device that will bring 3D printing to your kitchen? Two early beta testers have already done head spinning work with the first chocolate 3D printers. Their work indicates that the 3D printing revolution is moving into the kitchen and may change everything.

Paul Chichikov of Chocolatier Villages Potemkin

Paul Chichikov of Chocolatier Villages Potemkin hopes to bring 3D printing to pallets worldwide

Brooklyn based artisan organic shade grown single origin chocolate maestro Paul Chichikov of Chocolatier Villages Potemkin for example 3D prints his hand swafted GMO free Easter Ostrich Eggs to the delight of customers from Greenpoint and beyond. Paul, who is a 3D printing evangelist says that in the long weekend that he’s been mastering 3D printing, “it has changed my life. ”

Ostrich Egg

A customer holding one of Paul’s 3D printed Ostrich Eggs at Villages Potemkin

The 3D printed Easter Ostrich Eggs, filled to the brim with Acai berries, bee pollen, wakame & wheat grass cost $190 each and contain 4.8 kilos of the highest quality Kyrgyzstanian Highland chocolate. Paul uses an EggBotsz to 3D print his creations. This Professional Desktop 3D printer is specifically made to 3D print eggs of any type. Until now Chichikov has run into some limitations with 3D printing. “I’ve always said for many years that 3D printing is going to revolutionize the culinary world, but as an urban forager and an artist I felt that 3D printing was holding me back. I want 4D, I want color. I told the Eggbotsz team give me full color and I’ll conquer the world. I believe that the Eggbotsz can make a Croconut-like impact on gastronomy, be something truly revolutionary. ”

The Eggbot

The Eggbotsz putting the finishing touches on one of Ms. Jil Ipoya’s award winning culinary delights.

Japanese chef Jil Ipoya uses an Eggbotsz in her 3 Michelin star Spanish Mexican fusion tapas restaurant Pinche Wey in Manhattan.  Ms. Ipoya says she, “enjoys the wealth of egg textures and shapes…as well as the design freedom she has when designing her own eggs.”  Ms. Ipoya, who is the only Chef to have worked in North America who has not yet been nominated for a James Beard Award, also stated that, “3D printing will play a mayor role in the culinary arts especially in the new wave of post-molecular gastronomy.”  “With atomic gastronomy chef’s creations can become even more contrived & recondite with menus hopefully becoming more akin to deadal worded technical manuals that bring true culinary fission to the table.” Ms. Ipoya, who has experimented with 3D printing scrambled & even poached eggs, uses the technology for 6 courses on her 158 course, Signature Tasting Menu with each course served either intravenously or in a pipette.

One of her most popular dishes, Muff & Min, is entirely 3D printed. The deconstructed Egg McMuffin inspired dish uses an Earl Grey infused essence of Jidori Hen terrine on Bresse egg souffle set in zest of King Crab served on a foam of sous vide sourdough wrapped in dedain and artifice with a side of liquid nitrogen spheres and granular distillate of brine. The dish is served in a shot glass hanging from a small drone to mimic man’s hunter gatherer past. Diners pursue the drone through the restaurant and once they either tire or catch it, down the shot while standing on one leg holding a ping pong paddle as wait staff fire white roses at them from Nerf guns. The New York Times called the dish “a revelation….clearly Ms. Jil Ipoya is breaking new ground in fine dining. Ms. Ipoya is truly one of the hottest chefs in lower Manhattan and her cooking is not bad either.”  To reconnect with nature diners are also encouraged to pick their own eggs, forage for food in the dumpsters of neighboring restaurants  as well as use a compound bow to hunt for deer in Central Park.  Ms. Ipoya was searching for a clearer way to distinguish herself from her peers thinks that 3D Printing her eggs, in color, may be the way to do it.

The Invention of Full Color Chocolate 3D Printing

Across the Redheffer quad at CMU there stands an old dilapidated building used for nuclear frisson testing in the 1950’s and long since abandoned. Professor Yank along with her students Wǒ Kào & Kono Yarou has worked here for 3 years in complete secrecy on full color chocolate 3D printing. The Lamarck House, is a desolate place, with upturned desks, dust covered scientific equipment and ytwokay bugs scurrying back and forth. Here the team had little contact with other CMU students and staff. They worked long hours perfecting their full color 3D printing technique, living on ramen and hope.

CMU's Professor Willow Yank inventor of Full Color Chocolate 3D printing

CMU’s Professor Willow Yank inventor of Full Color Chocolate 3D printing

For one and a half years the team struggled to get their U axis and V axis under control. U and V axis control being one of the most essential elements to high dimensional flavor-ability in 3D printing chocolate. If they couldn’t get the dimensional flavor-ability right the team could not obtain a high Choxels Per Inch. CPI is the key Key Performance Indicator for the chocolate 3D printing industry. According to a recent research report by Ranger, CPI rates in new chocolate 3D printers are accelerating with newer systems having CPIs in the range of 9 to 11. “It was always going to be about CPI for us, Choxels Per Inch is the challenge in our industry and if would be able to develop an ultra high CPI technology, we’d be able to put a chocolate 3D printer on every kitchen-table”, says Professor Yank. The Chocolate 3D Printing Industry is set to grow by 78% to $6.4 billion by Tuesday according to a recent report by research firm Yard.

Graph by boutique investment hose Wing & Prayer illustrating the explosive growth in chocolate 3D printing

Graph by boutique investment house Wing & Prayer illustrating the explosive growth in chocolate 3D printing

Industry giants such as Chock Fill A have a big lead over new entrants with an entire line of chocolate 3D printers for home and industrial use. Other start ups such as Colorado based Hanky, makers of the iconic red and white striped 3D Chocolate Printing pen, are also forging ahead. Professor Yank knew there was an opportunity out there to create a revolutionary new chocolate 3D printing technology that was completely new and revolutionary. Hanky & Chock Fill A still relied on old 3D printing technology from ancient 3D printers that have been used since they were developed during early nineties for the Meiji Restoration of Tokyu Hands, the largest department store in Japan. Not many know that Japanese inventor Professor Kuso Kurae originally invented 3D printing in order to make exquisite wall decorations for the iconic Tokio department store. From such comparatively humble beginnings this world changing technology has now blossomed. Yank knew, that invention was the path forward and only by creating a true chocolate 3D printing revolution and developing better technology they would succeed.

Other chocolate 3D printers use stepper motors to power their axes. These stepper motors spin counterclockwise in a brownian motion propelling solid magnets in a vacuum. Standard on almost all 3D printers the team had tried to adapt them for use in their full color chocolate 3D printing technology. Without the needed U and V axes control however their results were disappointing. Rather than 3D printing Yoda dolls or other useful 3D printed objects, everything melted immediately.

An Eggbot 3D printing an Egg in Full color

An Eggbotsz 3D printing an Egg in Full color, note the U axis with its distinctive yellow tip.

Without adequate U & V control the team would never achieve high dimensional flavor-ability and their ground breaking project was doomed. A further issue was with the heated bed. 3D printers deposit their material on a heated build platform, also called a bed in the industry. Due to the choco solid degradation and bad U & V control, the team had what is called in the industry an “unmade bed”, disastrous out of the box print results. Because chocolate has to be tempered in order to print properly temperature control of the bed was another crucial element. The team had been using sine heat systems to temper the chocolate but the results were atrocious lacking any dimensional technobility and superforce. With funding running out the team shared many sleepless nights. Professor Yank begged the iron willed university administration for more funding but it seemed that the project would be cancelled. Kono Yarou’s studious discovery saved the day. Kono Yarou is a studious and dedicated Social Engineer who reads journals such as 4D Printing & Free Form Fabrication in Gastronomy recreatively. The 23 year old Japanese student has large round eyes and a rather surprised expression on his face as well as a shock of blonde hair. In his spare time he’s often seen wandering the tree lined Italianate CMU campus with a journal in hand. During one of these walks, in an obscure engineering journal, he happened to come across a paper by a Dutch team from Zwaffelen University.

A diagram explaining Eggbot’s revolutionary 3D printing technology, Zwaffelen University’s Macrocontroller is shown in yellow to the right The heated bed is shown in light green. The U axis is grey and the V axis is dark green.

The team had developed a method for making a macrocontroller for cosign heating. With limited applications the technology had not attracted attention. Yarou noticed however that the Dutch team’s controller worked at temperatures of 100 and 130 Kelvin, perfect for tempering chocolate.  Armed with this information the received two NSF grants as well as $1.8 million in funding from America Makes. This let them commercialize Zwaffelen University’s macrocontroller and for the first time adequately temper chocolate inside a 3D printer. Another breakthrough occurred when Wǒ Kào, a 23 year old Dianetics major from Shén Jīng Bìng, China disassembled a stepper motor in order to reverse engineer it. She found that by reversing the polarity of the magnets inside the motor and applying Van der Waals forces to the resulting magnet she could achieve the superior U & V control needed for full color chocolate 3D Printing. The team then went on to develop their Continuous Line Inference Traversing 3D printing technology. After perfecting their invention they partnered with Eggbotsz to bring it to market.

The Eggbot

The Eggbotsz putting the finishing touches on one of Ms. Jil Ipoya’s award winning culinary delights.

The Future of Everything

Eggbotsz co-founder Henry Gondorff explains that whilst 3D printed eggs are poised to take over the culinary world but that, “people all want to full color 3D print chocolate.” “We could already 3D print duck eggs, century eggs and chicken eggs, but so far full color was beyond humanity’s grasp.” “We were amazed at the capabilities of the CMU team’s technology and we think that full color chocolate 3D printing of eggs is a culinary revolution set to revolutionize the 3D Printing revolution. This revolution in a revolution will revolutionize everything bringing with it revolutionary applications for this game changing technology that will empower revolutionaries in their own revolutions. Full color 3D chocolate egg printing is set to make a bigger impact on the world than any other technology ever has.”

Eggbot Co-Founder Henry Gondorff

Eggbot Co-Founder Henry Gondorff wants to revolutionize how eggs are made

The new Eggbotsz ChocoRockoBotto is capable of 3D printing 24 million colors in true full color at a 1080p HD resolution. The bidirectional multi-piezo print head of the Eggbotsz moves at a speed of 240 FPS at 640 Choxels. At this level of Choxels the chocolate doesn’t coat the individual taste buds like regular non-3D printed chocolate does but rather blanket the tastebuds in a Moroni Defined Matrix. This non euclidian structure allows for more depth of flavor. The Eggbotsz also has a dimensional accuracy of 4 and a XY positioning accuracy of 2m. The Interior Wall Volume height of the 3D printer is 11 MHz and the layer thickness of the printer is .000005 micron. The 3D printer has a build volume of 50 by 50 by 50 cm, which is perfect for even very large eggs or batches of dozens of eggs at a time. We think that this 3D printer is an amazing piece of work and can’t wait to see it come to kitchens everywhere! Competition is already springing up worldwide however with Dutch Designer Karijn Wessing designing an open source eggbot which is almost entirely 3D printable. It is truly an exciting time to be alive!

Karijn Wessin's open source 3D printable eggbot

Karijn Wessing’s open source 3D printable eggbot


 Creative Commons Attribution, Creative Commons AttributionCreative Commons AttributionCreative Commons Attribution.


Interview with Ryan Adams of the MaplePrintMini 3D printer

We love it when our community shares 3D printer upgrades, improvements or entire 3D printers on YouMagine. Ryan Adams did just that, he made his MaplePrintMini 3D printer and shared it with the world. We were curious about his machine and asked him how he made it. We were especially intrigued since apart from the electronics, screws and motors the MaplePrintMini is entirely 3D printed.

Ryan Adams leaning forward next to his MaplePrintMini 3D printer

Ryan Adams and his MaplePrintMini 3D printer

Why did you make this printer?

My original reasoning for this printer was to prove that I could design and build a printer myself. All of the printers I had owned up to that point (A Printrbot and MakerFarm Prusa i3) were built from kits, and I wanted to prove that I could design and produce a similar printer to theirs. I was also captivated by the idea of the RepRap project, and wanted to see how far I could take the project’s philosophy in designing this printer, with the end result being one which is, excluding mechanical components, almost entirely 3D printed.

How did you do it?

When I set out to design this printer, I had two main goals, the first that I be able to print as much of the printer as possible, and the second be that the overall foot print of the printer be less than that of a legal-sized sheet of paper. Strange, I know, but I wanted to keep the printer’s foot print small and portable. The design process was fairly straight forward, I set up my size boundaries, and designed the printer within those boundaries. I used AutoCAD for most of this process, and relied heavily on my own calipers, and rulers to measure mechanical components that I’d then model in CAD, and build the printer around. It had been several years since I last designed or modeled anything with this sort of scale, so it was very much a learning process for me, trying to remember how to model and design parts correctly. The preliminary design took place over the winter holidays, and took about 30 hours from conception to printable designs.

Did you design the whole thing in one go and then build it? Or was it more an iterative process of improving parts?

Throughout the initial design process, there was multiple times that I would spot an issue, or think of a better way of designing a part. The extruder carrier, and X-axis have probably gone through 4 or 5 revisions before I even thought about printing. The revisions were far more minor once parts were printed though. I tried my best to catch as many errors and flaws as I could while still in the design stage, so that I could minimize my printed waste and build the printer quicker. With the exception of 4 or 5 parts, every piece was printed the way it was designed initially. I was honestly surprised that when the build process begun, that parts fit as well as they did, and that most everything just seemed to work correctly. As the build progressed, I revised a few parts to aid in the assembly process, or in the case of the extruder, to add additional cooling, but for the most part, it was a straight forward build with very few issues.

What’s so special about it?

I think what sets the printer apart is its printable design. No component on this printer is larger than 195mm x 195mm, which allows anyone with a average sized 3D printer to print all the parts for this project on their own. I also feel it embodies the RepRap philosophy better than some other machines with which to the extent of how much of the design is printable. I admire printers such as the Prusa i3, MendelMax and others, but seeing their wooden and metal rod construction takes away from the concepts of a true RepRap, so I feel this printer is proof that it is possible to build a strong, accurate printer using almost entirely 3D printed parts.

What would I need besides the design files on YouMagine to build one?

Aside from the design files on YouMagine, you will need a 3D printer or someone with a 3D printer to print the parts. Expect the parts to take 60 or so hours to print, it’s a long job, but worth it when it’s done. Once you have printed all the required parts, you will need the ‘standard’ mechanical components which consists of the usual NEMA 17 steppers (in this case, 36 oz smaller units are used), 8mm linear rod and LM8SUU linear bearings. You will also need about a meters worth of GT2 belt, and 16 or 20 tooth pulleys, 4mm threaded rod and couplings for the Z axis as well and you will also need 3 micro switches for the end stops. Extruder wise, I used a Printrbot Aluminum extruder, and a Ubis hot end, though you could mount your own direct drive extruder and hot end of your choice. Electronics wise, your choice of controller, RAMPS or a printrboard should fit in the enclosure. Lastly, you will need screws, a lot of them. There are about 150 M3x10 socket cap screws used, and about 30 M5x20 socket cap screws as well.

A purple 3D printed shark form Shark test piece made on a MaplePrint Mini.

Shark test piece made on a MaplePrint Mini.

What kind of print results do you have?

Print results have been fairly decent given the relative state of calibration that it has received. I was very pleased that upon printing my first calibration cube, that the dimensions were accurate in both the X and Y axis, and that the details and layer heights seemed well defined. Subsequent prints such as Mr. Jaws have pretty well defined detail in the teeth and corners, and came out better than I was expecting. I’m still tuning the printer, and calibrating the e-steps and extrusion, so there are still improvements to be made, but overall, the printer prints better than some of my first prints on other machines.

What software did you use to design it?

All of the design was done in AutoCAD 2015. I prefer the work flow and familiarity of AutoCAD over that of Inventor or Solidworks. All of the mechanical components were modeled in AutoCAD as well. Before printing, I ‘plated’ the entire model, that is, disassembling my design into ‘plates’ of correctly orientated parts that could be exported to STL’s and printed. This saved a lot of time later on and removed the need to have to manipulate or optimize the part in my slicer.

What firmware does it run?

The printer uses a stock RAMPS 1.4 controller running ErikZalm’s MarlinFirmware. I selected Marlin over others for its configurability and simply configuration. Total time from downloading, modifying, flashing, to printing, was about half an hour.

What was the most difficult part of making the printer?

Probably the most challenging part of the entire process was printing the frame. Each frame panel required 5 hours of print time, which given my daily schedule made it difficult to fit these prints in. It meant that these pieces were printed on weekends and days off, which in turn delayed the entire process. Aside from that though, the process was fairly straight forward, if I had any other complaints about the process, it would be the almost-insane amount of screws required in the build. I wanted to ensure the printer was structurally sound and rigid, so I designed it with many mounting points, but it was only when I started building the printer did I realize juts how many I had used!

MaplePrint Mini 3D printer printing.

MaplePrint Mini 3D printer printing.

Where do you hope to go from here?

Well I’m on to bigger and better things already! Shortly after finishing this printer, I embarked on the design of its successor. While I’m pleased with how this printer came out, I recognize that there is still a lot of room for improvement and optimization. Now that we know it’s possible to build a printer from almost entirely printed parts, I’m again using this approach for version two. I’m finalizing the design now, and hope to be printing parts for it in the next week. I will again be publishing my progress and design, and releasing the designs for the printer on YouMagine shortly, but I can promise that it will have a much larger build volume, and equally small foot print, improved rigidity, and far fewer parts to print and assemble. Aside from that, I hope I can continue to design and release printers, components and upgrades that further the RepRap project, excite current 3D printer users, and introduce new users and designers to the amazing industry of 3D printing!

JJRobots cool open source robots on YouMagine

Open Source Air Hockey Robot

Open Source Air Hockey Robot by JJRobots

One very inspiring YouMagine community member is JJRobots. They make super fun robots such as an open source air hockey robot and an open source self balancing robot. This is just the kind of innovation we’d love to support here at YouMagine so I interviewed the team to find out what they’re up to.

Open Source Balancing Robot by JJRobots

Open Source Balancing Robot by JJRobots

What is JJRobots?
We are two electronic hobbyist who really wanted to share the ideas and knowledge with everyone who loves DIY robotics. JJrobots want to… fill the gap that exists in the DIY world, in which you need to have an electronics/ computing background in order to start a project. JJrobots is oriented to the MEDIUM skill level “maker”, we want to provide them with useful, affordable and flexible electronics that you can use for a lot of different projects. B-robot and the Air hockey robot are just two of a big list of projects we are developing right now. The following project will use the same electronics we are currently selling now in our shop.

Why did you start it?
The idea of JJROBOTS born nine months ago when I, Juan Pedro, working and living in UK, told Jose (my partner here) to open a web page to host the projects that Jose had been publishing in other blog and make it easier to people to make them by themselves (and create a platform to grow with new projects).

JJROBOTS is a blog with information about the projects, documentation, build manuals, schemes, a “how it works” section, and an online SHOP for the hardware parts (electronics, plastic parts…). Our goal is that people have fun making their own robots and, at the same time, learn how it all works. ALL will be OPEN, shared and documented. There will be a growing community behind with forums so you could get help from us and from other users.

We want that people take our projects as a base, and feel free to hack/modify them to the limits!

B-ROBOT is a good example. Starting from the design Jose published last year, we have been improving it in many ways. We have created a new electronics shield for an Arduino Leonardo, instructions, building manual and schemes. The code is now much simpler and better documented. This project is very FUN and ,as you can see in the video, the control is WIFI excellent too! (Kids love the robot)

This is an unique gadget that you could make by yourself (DIY). This is not a toy, it is a robot that uses good motors, quality electronics, and sophisticated control algorithms.
Our idea is also to reuse most of the components involved in the early projects in another future projects. For example, the Wifi module (which is not cheap) will be used soon in more projects (subscribe to jjrobots to keep you updated). You are investing in electronic components that could have several lives (motors, Arduino, wifi…)

Over the years we have realized that people love the open projects that we have been publishing here (B-ROBOT, arduspider, Air hockey robot…) but people have problems to reproduce them. Now there are no excuses! Everyone will have available all the parts and documentation to let them be successful!

Why do you share your designs on YouMagine?
I wanted to use YouMagine since I bought an Ultimaker 6 months ago and I knew about the existence of this website. I do love my 3D printer (now printing with FLEX PLA which has skyrocketed my “maker” capabilities!). This is a very good platform to spread the project.

How does your balancing robot work?
There is information here. But as a short brief:
“B-ROBOT is a remotely controlled self-balancing Arduino robot created with 3D printed parts. With only two wheels,B-ROBOT is able to maintain his balance all the time by using his internal sensors and by driving the motors. You can control your Robot, making him move or spin, by sending command through a Smartphone, Tablet or PC while he keeps the balance.

B-ROBOT reads his inertial sensors (accelerometers and gyroscopes integrated on the MPU6000 chip) 200 times per second. He calculates his attitude (angle with respect to the horizon) and compares this angle with the target angle (0º if he wants to maintain balance without moving, or a positive or negative angle if he wants to move forward or backwards). Using the difference between the target angle (let’s say 0º) and actual angle (let’s say 3º) he drives a Control System to send the right commands to the motors to maintain his balance. The commands to the motors are accelerations. For example if the robot is tilted forward (angle of robot is 3º) then he sends a command to the motors to accelerate forward until this angle is reduced to zero to preserve the balance.”

Why make an air hockey robot?
Everything started when Jose (my partner and friend) built his 3D printer. First, the possibility to design and build our own parts and second, how could we hack the components of a 3D printer to make something different?

Jose´s daughter loves the Air Hockey game and we love robotics so one day an idea was born in our mind… can we construct…??… Mmmmm …. it seemed very complicated and with many unresolved questions (puck detection??, robot speed??), but that is also part of the fun…

What do you hope to achieve with JJRobots? Why do you think its important to teach kids about robotics?
Well, we are loosing the contact with what lies beneath technology. You can buy an Iphone and play with its tactile screen but not know anything about how this device really works.
How does an industrial machine detect broken cookies during the packaging process?

Hacking can be performed only when you really know how a thing works. We want to “hack” ordinary stuff and create cool things showing how it is done. We want to let kids (and adults!)  to do it by themselves and by asking for a helping hand in our webpage´s forum.

How large is the company?
Just Jose and I (Juan Pedro). Each one have our own jobs beside jjrobots, so right now, these ideas can not feed us, we will need to find time for this exciting project.

This is a really great initiative and you can check out their shop here or download the parts from YouMagine here..