Introducing the YouMagine team: Ronald Scheer

ronald 2

Hi, I am Ronald and I am in charge of YouMagine’s educational outreach and I am working with the team on developing our business models.

When did you start with 3D Printing? What drew you to it?

In the summer of 2010 I visited NOVU, the Dutch organization of inventors, product developers and researchers in Utrecht. In the Novu-building I went to ProtoSpace, (a fablab) to attended a workshop where participants could build an Ultimaker. This was the first time that I learned about 3D printing.

Involvement in 3D printing-projects
At the moment I am involved in the ‘3Ducation’ project in the Netherlands, where 24 schools (with children from 6 until 16) will be offered the first lessons in 3D design and 3D printing in the school year 2014-2015. Together with KWTG (a platform to promote Science & Technology at schools in Gelderland) we are preparing a new curriculum that teachers can use.

Involvement in Maker Community
Of course my Ultimaker2-printer is listed on Last month I visited the mobile fablab (owned by Frysklab) where I started to experiment with a full spectrum laser cutter.  In September 2014 I will host some workshops concerning 3D design and 3D print at MiniMakerFaire Kerkrade in the Netherlands. These are examples of how I would like to engage the wider community of Makers, Hackers and Tinkerers.

What do you think the main advantages of 3D Printing are?
3D printing will have a profound influence on Distributed Digital Manufacturing, As a result there will be major changes in Logistics and Distribution as we know it today.

Were you involved in education before?
At the University of Twente I studied at the faculty of Educational Science and Technology. I finished my Masters thesis on Instrumentation Technology with a focus on ‘Open Computer Supported Collaborative Work (OCSCW). So my interest in Collaborative Work (from an educational perspective) has held my interest for a long time already….

You were an educator before, weren’t you?
Yes, in 2002 I graduated as a qualified teacher from Windesheim, University of Applied Sciences. After that I became an Economics teacher.

How will 3D printing help kids?
Children can intuitively work with 3D printers. Children do this much better than adults. I also fully support Youmagine’s initiative to embrace

Why YouMagine?
To me, YouMagine represents my values and passion for open source, collaboration and sharing.

Other interest or hobbies
I am also interested in

  • the ‘Internet of Things’,
  • ‘Open Data’ and
  • ‘Quantified Self’.

Last but not least
I was born in 1971. I am married to Wendy van Krimpen. We have two children (2 boys: 2,5 years old and 4 months old) and we live in Vught, The Netherlands.