Hi, I’m Wilco, a software developer using a lot of tools but mainly working with Ruby on Rails. While working at YouMagine I’ve really developed an interest in 3D printing. I’ve heard the news about printed skulls, beautiful art, parts for hobby trains and a lot more. Now it’s possible to really create something, the only limitation is your own creativity. And that’s cool! I love that at the office I can hear machines printing beautiful designs all day.I think that by using my skills in Ruby on Rails, web development and a lot more I can help create and maintain a kick-ass community like YouMagine. RoR enables us to really make coolstuff quickly available for you guys. And when we make a mistake (and we do) we can easily fix it. So, I’m creative in my skills and you guys are really creative in 3D modeling, sharing and a lot more.
“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will” – George Bernard Shaw